What is Basis Path Testing?
Explain difference between Testing & Debugging.
What is Branch Testing?
What is Installation Testing?
Explain Requirements Based testing.
Explain Web Application Security Testing?
Use Case, Use Case Diagrams, Use Case Examples
Questions on Iterative/Incremental Methodology.
Explain Technical Review.
Explain Importance of Reviews.
Explain Pair Programming Review.
Explain different types of Review Process Structures.
Explain difference between Formal & Informal Reviews.
How to decide whether to do Formal or Informal Reviews.
Explain Software Design Reviews.
Explain Formal Review & Informal Review.
Explain Use Case Point Estimations.
Explain Test Strategy.
Security Testing, Security Testing Checklist and More.
Localization Testing, Localization Testing Checklist and Sources.
Difference between Localization and Globalization Testing.
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