Interview Questions for QA Lead / Manager
QA Lead / Manager interview questions will surely give you the feel of what to ask during interview. These questions are just the starting point and may go a long way in conducting successful interviews and hiring correct candidates. For answers to these QA Lead / Manager interview questions, please go to the respective site link given at the end of each set of questions:

Q. Let’s say you are the first QA manager joining our startup. What are the first three things you would do?

Q. What’s your definition of a good testcase? Can you give me an example?

Q. Let’s say you have a testplan with over 200 testcases. How do you decide what should be automated and what should still be done manually?

Q. How do you determine which devices and OS versions we should test on?

Q. What automation frameworks do you have experience with and and what are their pros and cons?

Q. What are the most important considerations for leveraging mobile test automation effectively?

Q. To what extent should developers do their own testing or do you believe testing is the responsibility of the QA team?

Q. What’s your experience using Continuous Integration as part of the development process?

Q. What are some of the challenges in mobile app testing?

Q. How do you best manage manual and automated testing working together?

Q. How do you think acceptance testing should be implemented in the development process?
11 interview questions for QA managers]

Q. Customer has reported severe defects in Daily balance report. The customer
is unhappy that the problem is not fixed even after a week. What action you
as a PM will take to restore confidence of customer and ensure that this will
not happen in future?

Q. It’s observed that the testers in your organization are performing tests on the
deliverable even after significant defects have been found. This has resulted
in unnecessary testing of little value because re-testing needs to be done
after defects have been rectified. You are the test manager and going to
update the test plan with recommendations on when to stop testing. List the
recommendations you are going to make.

Q. You are newly appointed as a test lead in an organization which uses manual
testing. Your boss wants you to put forth three testing tools and their features
to create awareness about the testing tools in the top management. Suggest
any three testing tools for your test Environment and why do you suggest

Q. You are working on a project, where the requirements change dynamically. The data in the project comes from various ends (from various Platforms) and are inter-dependent. You see this as a big risk in the project. How would you plan accordingly?
Software testing interview questions Test manager Part I]

Q. How do you interact with your team members? (looking for staff meetings, status reports, 1:1 sessions, open door policy, etc.)

Q. What are your expectations of your team? What is the most important characteristic of a successful software engineer?
How to interview a QA Manager or Director?]

Q. I’ll give you a software to test next Monday. You will have to finish test activities to release it on Friday. I'll ask you next Wednesday how is your progress.
How would you manage to give me appropriate information?
What type of questions should be asked if I am taking an an interview of QA / Testing Lead]

Q. Describe a typical work week for QA lead position?

Q. Why should we hire you as a QA lead?

Q. Why do you want to work with us?
QA lead interview questions]

Q. Which one do you rate higher - compensation or work environment?

Q. What are the qualities in you which are criticised most by your managers?

Q. Your team member is muslim and takes time off to offer Namaz during critical project schedule? How would you handle that situation?

Q. How well do you work under stress?

Q. How do you manage underperforming resources?

Q. Is your BOSS always correct?

Q. What do you hate about your boss?

Q. What do you like about your boss?
[Source: Book: Job Interview By R.A. Padmanabha Rao]

Q. When do you stop testing?

Q. How will you prepare your team for session based testing?

Q. When will you prepare a test plan if requirements are in progress?

Q. What is strategy you follow to decide whether the product can be tested manually or automatically?

Q. How will you maintain sprint log for test execution in agile?

Q. What is meant by defect leverage ratio how it will be used?

Q. How will you calculate field fault density?

Q. When will you classify and work on a defect with status as high severity and low priority, low severity and high priority?

Q. What are the steps do you take to get organization context to bring testing into the development process.

Q. Which is the artifact you feel contributed most during testing and which is the least, why?
Test Lead Interview Questions]

Q. As a team lead how do you pacify an angry client?

Q. What are the attributes a team leader must look for while selecting members for their team?

Q. What are the Core skills needed for Team Lead?

Q. How does a team lead identify performance problems and solve the same among their team members?

Q. What steps must a team leader take to motivate the team?

Q. What are the communication methods you followed within team and to client ?

Q. What are the weakest qualities or attributes a team leader should avoid definitely?

Q. If conflict arrises between two people how will solve that. If one person is overlooking into others job how to deal with such type of people?
Team Lead Interview Questions]

Q. What were your roles and responsibilities and how was your time divided between tasks in a project?

Q. What QA process do you use in your project and why?

Q. What do you consider to be your key accomplishments/initiatives?

Q. Have you been involved in test estimation and how do you do it?

Q. What tools do you use and why?

Q. Process familiarity and Mastery – if you process you follow at your work place is waterfall, onsite-offshore, Agile or anything to that effect, expect detailed Q&A about its implementation, success, metrics, best practices and challenges among other things.
6 Most Common QA Test Lead/Manager Interview Questions (with Answers and our Tips)]

Q. What do you think are the five notable characteristics of a great QA resource?