Tuesday, May 1, 2007

QTP (QuickTest Professional) Recording

The default mode of recording is the Normal recording mode. There are other

recording modes also like Analog Recording or Low Level Recording. Normal mode is the default and takes full advantage of the QuickTest test object model, as it recognizes the objects in the application regardless of their location on the screen.

Analog Recording : Exact mouse and keyboard operations are recorded in relation to either the screen or the application window. In this QTP also records and tracks every movement of the mouse for example, recording a signature produced by dragging the mouse. Analog Recording steps are not editable from within QuickTest.

Low Level Recording : At any time, if an environment or on an object not recognized by QuickTest, use Low Level Recording. It records at object level and records all run-time objects as Window or WinObject test objects. QuickTest records all parent level objects as Window test objects and all other objects as WinObject test objects.

Each step recorded in Low Level Recording mode is shown in the Keyword View and Expert View.

All the three modes of recording can be used in a single test e.g. we can switch to either Analog Recording or Low Level Recording in the middle of a recording session for specific steps and then return to normal recording

Analog Recording and Low Level Recording require more disk space than normal recording mode.

Use Analog Recording when :

The actual movement of the mouse is what you want to record.

Recording in Analog mode can be relative to the screen or relative to a specific window (see user guide for detail)

In Analog Recording a separate file is saved and stored with the action.

In Analog Recording mode, QuickTest adds to your test a RunAnalog statement that calls the recorded analog file.

Use Low Level Recording when :

Environments or objects not supported by QuickTest.

Exact location of the operation on your application screen is necessary. in normal mode QuickTest performs the step on an object even if it has moved to a new location on the screen.

If the location of the object is important to your test, switch to Low Level Recording