Clear Clipboard using VBScript
Write the below code in a notepad and save it as ".vbs" file.
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run "cmd.exe /c echo. >NUL | clip", 0, True
To test the above code, copy some text [from notepad for example] and then run the above code. That copied text will disappear from clipboard and you will not be able to paste it.
Some facts about the above 2 lines of code:
Syntax for WshShell.Run:
WshShell.Run (strCommand, [intWindowStyle], [bWaitOnReturn])
where 0 for "intWindowStyle" means hide the window and activate another window. TRUE for "bWaitOnReturn" means the Run method returns any error code returned by the application. [see more on WshShell.Run]
"cmd.exe" starts a new CMD shell. "/C" carries out "Some Command" and then terminates.
"echo." displays a blank line (echo on its own displays the current on/off status).
The space before the >NUL avoids any conflict with Windows NT/2000/XP redirection of STDOUT and STDERR which uses the syntax 1> and 2> respectively.
"Clip" allows you to copy the output of a command to the Windows clipboard. For example on the command prompt, type
C:\> echo test | clip
and after running the above command open new notepad and do Ctrl+v or Edit (menu)->Paste, it will paste "test" to that notepad.