Thursday, October 8, 2009



Firstly we have an add.vbs file saved as C:\add.vbs.

Write the below function in a notepad and Save it as a .vbs file. I saved it as c:\include_file.vbs.

Above we are passing the path of a text file to include_file function and creating a file system object, opening a text file (ReadAll() method reads the entire contents of a text file and returns it as a string), then there is an ExecuteGlobal statement with the contents of the file as its argument.

ExecuteGlobal executes a string of VBScript code in a script's global namespace, which means that the executed code will be accessible anywhere in the script. Functions, sub-routines and variables can be included in the executed string, and their particular declarations will be available any time you need them all through the rest of your code.

Open a new test in QTP and go to File->Settings->Resources and include that file in "Associated function libraries".

And write the below 3 lines in QTP test.

Now run the test. It will show 5 in message box, the value which is returned by addFunction. This is just another way of including any file (add.vbs in our case) in a QTP test via some function (include_file.vbs in our case) using ExecuteGlobal.

Also See:

QTP Function Library
QTP Function Library - Example 1
QTP Function Library - Example 2
QTP Function Library - Example 3
QTP Function Library - Example 4