Thursday, April 16, 2009

What is Sanity Testing?

Sanity Testing

Sanity testing is a subset of regression testing focusing on one or a fewer areas of functionality. When you receive a build with minor revisions, and then instead of doing a through regression testing you perform a sanity check so as to ensure that the issues in build have indeed been rectified and no further issues have been introduced by the fixes. It differs from the regression testing in that it is a kind of hasty and done without attention to detail and is performed when a brief testing is sufficient to prove the application is functioning according to specifications.

Few resources on Sanity Testing:

White Paper: Sanity Testing

Sanity Testing

Sanity and Smoke Testing, Typical characteristics of Smoke Testing, Advantages of Smoke Testing.

Sanity & Smoke Testing

How to conduct smoke and sanity tests?

Conducting Smoke & Sanity Tests

Also See:

Smoke Testing