Thursday, July 24, 2008

QTP Data Table Menu Shortcut Keys

Data Table Menu Commands
CTRL+X Cuts the table selection and puts it on the Clipboard.
CTRL+C Copies the table selection and puts it on the Clipboard.
CTRL+V Pastes the contents of the Clipboard to the current table selection.
CTRL+DELClears the contents from the current selection.
CTRL+I  Inserts empty cells at the location of the current selection. Cells adjacent to the insertion are shifted to make room for the new cells.
CTRL+K Deletes the current selection. Cells adjacent to the deleted cells are shifted to fill the space left by the vacated cells.
CTRL+RCopies data in the left-most cell of the selected range to all cells to the right of it, within the selected range.
CTRL+D Copies data in the top cell of the selected range to all cells below it within the selected range.
CTRL+F Finds a cell containing specified text. You can search the table by row or column and specify to match case or find entire cells only.
CTRL+HFinds a cell containing specified text and replaces it with different text. You can search the table by row or column and specify to match case and/or to find entire cells only. You can also replace all.
F9Recalculates the selected data in the Data Table.
CTRL+PAGE UP/PAGE DOWNSwitches through the Data Table sheets when the Data Table is in focus.

Also See:

QTP Data Table Basics

Reading values From Data Table

Writing Values To Data Table

How to import excel sheet into data table in QTP

Accessing Data Table through scripts

Multiple Choice Questions on Data Table

Table Checkpoints Multiple Choice Questions